Thursday, August 11, 2016

Just a Little Nugget; One Year Later

Dear kiddos,

Walking with my friend today outside a Whole Foods (it’s this grocery store where everything is the same but costs twice as much) I blacked out and said something that was quasi-profound by accident. My realization was there are only three things you should concern yourself with in this life.  

  1. How are you spending your time?
  2. How are you treating your body?
  3. How are you spending your money?

I’ll start with the last item on the list. Money.

I’m constantly baffled as I waste away in my cubicle (even though I really do like what I do) that a third of my time on this planet will be spent asleep and another third will be spent inside the four walls of my office building. So even though “money doesn’t buy happiness” it certainly seems like it covers paying the mortgage/phone bill/etc. and because it’s so darn efficient at those things I’m forced to trade in 9 or 10 hours a weekday to chase it down. Just remember that you are trading your time for your money; so make it count.

Next, the bod.

You’ll only get one. And whether you’re born with a “perfect” or irregular body you better get used to loving the one you got. A recent sensation of the 21st century has brought about the positive body image movement which has been mostly a good thing. Please, for the love of God, don’t be a “fitness chick/bro” and don’t post those photos of Marilyn Monroe saying how modern conceptions of beauty are so out of touch and she was such a sex symbol…blah…blah…blah.

Life is balance. Take care of your body. Run a little, do some push-ups, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy diet (aka vegetables). Everyone is on a “diet” but most people are on one called “chaos”. This part of your life has to be prioritized otherwise it gets totally ignored. You’ll add years to your life and feel amazing.

PSA: if you do have a nice body, you do not NEED to post it on the internet (or whatever you’re calling it now). In fact, I would strongly encourage you not to.

Lastly, your time.

The only thing you can’t get back. This you have to figure out for yourself.

Good luck.

Love always,


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