Monday, September 7, 2015

On Happiness

Dear Kiddo,

There is no light without darkness and the ephemeral nature of happiness seems to constantly leave you yearning for more. I’m hopeful that you weren’t all born as cynical bastards, like your pops, but if you were maybe this will help. 

This life will be what you make of it. For years I used to quote the movie “Office Space” (available on VHS, you’ll have to look that up) when people asked how I was doing and say that “today is the new worst day of my life.” I used to (and still do when I’m being simple minded) look to things to make me happy. New clothes, new toys, new video games, new hobbies (never mastered). Let me save you some time… things do not make you happy. You make you happy. 

That’s it. You get to decide. That’s the big secret. It’s not easy to decide everyday but every time you open your eyes you are blessed to be offered that decision.

Reading my first attempt at this novel/blog I was reminded that I gave a couple tear-wrenching dialogues to people when I was 21 about how I finally let go of trying to become my brother or my father and for the first time in my life I was finally, definitively, decidedly, happy. It’s not that I’m a great speaker, by the way, I just happened to say something true and people can always feel sincerity. But I think they were moved to tears because they could feel that revelation resonating within themselves. Who doesn’t want to feel comfortable in their own skin? Now when people ask me how I’m doing I tell them the truth.

Living the dream.

Not convinced? That’s okay. I’m not much of poet despite my best efforts. Good news for you though, you little cynic.

Happiness can be synthetic. There is no scientifically measurable difference between people who are “really” happy and those who chose to be (a.k.a. fake it ‘til you make it!). Here is a link to a TedTalk by Dan Gilbert, probably a better explanation than the one I tried to give. 

Next time you are walking alone do me a favor and just bust out in laughter. Life is beautiful, we live in a wonderful world filled with miraculous people (even when there is a storm raging in your life). If you think you have nothing to be happy about you’re wrong. You get to be you and that is the perfect thing to be.

Love always,


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